Friday, July 16, 2010

Task 1: Photograph

Assignment 1: Task 1

Gary Braasch, Earth Under Fire: How Global Warming is Changing the World.

The photograph was taken by Gary Braasch as part of his passionate studies on global warming and environmental issues. I think the above photograph is important as it discusses current issues involving our world - the place we live in. The image shows children happily playing with a ball on dehydrated rice fields in Guangdong Province, China. Many suffered from no harvest of rice during the extended drought in 2005 but little do the children know what caused this to be, they are still able to continue playing on. I think the photo tells us about our ignorance towards the issue of global warming and the actions taken to reduce the effects of it. The caregiver stands by while the children play shows the lack of understanding for their next generations. They may be happy now but what about in 50 years time?

He also has a 'Before & After' series which I find very powerful and endearing.
These are some examples:

For further information, visit these websites:

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