Saturday, August 14, 2010

Project 2: PEOPLE - feedback

I need to make a decision about my concept in terms of who, what and why.

The 'looking glass self' concept created by Charles Horton Cooley in 1902 is essentially about a person who views themself through their judgments of others' perceptions of them in society. They then choose how to portray themselves according to these judgments.

Three Main Components of The Looking Glass Self

The rudiments of Cooley's sociological theory can be reduced to three facets.

  • One imagines how they appear to others.
  • One imagines the judgment that others may be making regarding that appearance.
  • One develops a self-image via their reflection; that is, the judgments or critique of others.

I'm still unsure about how to approach this project so I will try to get some initial shoots in then report back.

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