Friday, September 17, 2010

Project 3: THINGS

Project 3 is about photographing 3 different objects and manipulating its surroundings to create a new meaning for the object. Each object should be photographed twice in a different way. The perception of objects can be easily altered by the simple manipulation of scale, lighting and camera angles. Translation, interpretation, transformation and abstraction are some keywords to keep in mind for this project.

I am quite interested in the abstraction side of this project, particularly about the shapes and forms of objects and would like to focus on using this idea to create abstract art. I really like Kandinsky's artworks however because they appear very chaotic, this can be somewhat hard to reiterate through photography and 3D objects. An initial idea would be to use glass vases or glass cups with different coloured lighting. I'd imagine this would create a nice free-flowing organic form. I am also interested in the play on scale and macro photography and this will definitely influence my photographs for this project.
Listed below are some objects I'd like to look into photographing:
*Shower heads
List will go on...

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