Friday, August 20, 2010

Project 2: PEOPLE - artist model

I stumbled upon Lucie & Simon's photography from their series "Scenes of Life" and thought their style was very captivating especially the ones with a singular person in a frame - selected and shown above. The range of photos captured a very still and precise image of typical everyday activities such as eating, swimming, fishing, sleeping and bathing. They were very moving because the photos appeared to be a very dramatised version of everyday living. I think this is because the photo is very crisp and clear and they often only have one or a couple people in them and none of the people appear to be making eye contact even though the image clearly appears staged and carefully composed.

I like this kind of eerie and lonely yet full of life nature of these photos. It suggests that many of the activities in life have to be carried out by ourselves and this can be very lonely without other people to share it with. However, the photos do not speak entirely of loneliness, they are also somewhat alive because of their saturated colours. This makes for an interesting and dramatic photo that I'd like to try and recreate but with a less staged and more natural effect of typical life scenes.

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