Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Project 3: THINGS - new direction

So, photographing the violin today wasn't a great success because there was not much I could do with it. Although I got a few good photos, they are pretty much meaningless so I have decided to redirect my train of thought.

Second shoot of various different objects also didn't go so well. Contact sheets are below.

I am very interested in the play on scale and have discovered tilt-shift photography.
The videos below I found very amusing and I really liked the distortion.

http://vimeo.com/12513670 - Lego (Building anything)
http://vimeo.com/9679622 - A day in the life of New York City, in miniature.

This is somewhat closely related to some of Sian Bonnell's work, especially the Scenic Cookery and the House Beautiful series. An image I liked from the House Beautiful series was the bread tiles in the bathroom.

Along with this transformation and changing the meaning of the object, I am also quite interested in the new commercial aesthetic that Levi Brown communicates. I love the bright colours and want to photograph something that is mass produced.

For my next shoot, I'd like to merge a bit of both from each of these artist models.

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