Saturday, July 31, 2010

Project 1: PLACE - final shoot?

I went back out to the playground today for my last shoot and gathered some images that weren't particularly useful because there were too many children playing there. I waited and waited and then it got too cold... ... However, I did end up taking some photos which had views toward the suburb - for my 4th photo in the sequence.

1 The intent of this photo was to show the life of the suburb. Essentially being able to look into the present and realise the play ground isn't forever. The back of the gate shows "looking back" out into reality.

2 This photo was just a play upon the idea that immediately outside the park are houses, showing that the park is a well organised and structured space with a definite boundary. The focus is more on the space rather than the narrative so I think this photo isn't as successful.

Although from the previous shoot the first attempt at photo 2 seemed to be more successful, I think photo 1 here portrays the suburb in a better sense so that viewers can grasp and resolve the story from start to finish.

Below is the set of photos I propose for my narrative at this point in time.

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